Why the hell would Google promise seven years of updates?

Google Pixel 8 Pro camera bar in the porcelain colorway
(Image credit: Nicholas Sutrich / Android Central)
Beyond the Alphabet

Android Central's LLoyd with a projection with a Google logo

(Image credit: Nicholas Sutrich / Android Central)

Beyond the Alphabet is a weekly column that focuses on the tech world both inside and out of the confines of Mountain View.

Apple recently settled a class action suit in British Columbia, Canada, for slowing down older iPhone models with software updates, a case that wasn't all that different from a similar lawsuit that was settled in the U.S. last summer. However, it got me thinking about how Google revealed that it would offer seven years of software updates for the Pixel 8, and now I wonder if Google may eventually go down the same road as Apple.

Without admitting anything nefarious, Apple claimed this was being done with devices ranging from the iPhone 6 up to the iPhone XS Max. By slowing down certain models, Apple maintains that the goal is to ensure that your device "operates as designed and internal components are protected." Of course, Apple got its hands caught in the cookie jar, but I can't help but feel that history will repeat itself, just on the Pixel side of things.

A few of us have already written about what we think about Google's promised plans when it comes to Pixel software updates. While I'm still a fan of the move and think Google should've led the initial charge, I can't shake the idea that it doesn't really matter in the long run, and here's why.

Average lifespan of smartphones in the United States

(Image credit: Statista)

First, how many people actually keep the same phone for seven years? A report by Statista published in August 2023 revealed that the "average lifespan (replacement cycle length)" of smartphone ownership is a little less than three years. And that's just for the consumer side of things, as the average drops even lower for the enterprise market.

Maybe Google was doing the right thing all along with its three years of Android OS upgrades and five years of security patches. Perhaps Google folded to the optics of Samsung and Apple offering longer software support for its devices. Then again, maybe not, and Google was just waiting to get its Tensor SoC in a "good place," which seems to be the case with the Tensor G3.

From the outside looking in, seeing a company like Fairphone offer eight years of software support, paired with a five-year warranty, doesn't look great for Google, comparatively. The immediate counter to this is that Fairphone doesn't sell nearly as many phones as the Pixel, let alone Samsung or Apple. 

Fairphone stands out from the pack, in more ways than just making their phones easy to repair.

This affords Fairphone a few luxuries in terms of flexibility that even a giant corporation like Google doesn't have towards a particularly niche audience. Fairphone also serves a different subset of users; those who want a phone that they can repair and don't have to worry about too many additional headaches.

The second point that I wanted to touch on is Android itself. Have we reached a state of software stagnation? All of the "cool" and "new" features shown off at I/O for the past few years have largely been boring, except for the more technical users. The exception to this comes in the form of the various AI options that are being added.

Using Google Circle to Search on a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

(Image credit: Nicholas Sutrich / Android Central)

Circle to Search is incredibly useful when I remember it's there. Not to mention the various camera features that are making us question whether a picture you take with your phone is actually real or not. Samsung even went the extra mile with its implementation of AI on the Galaxy S24 with things like Live Translate, Chat Assist, and more.

But, outside of the Generative AI wallpapers paired with on-device theming, not much else has changed in terms of what you can do on Android. Well, besides Google slowly locking down AOSP and creating a walled garden of its own.

I have to wonder what Android will look like seven years from now. Google is already locking features to certain devices, which makes sense when comparing the Pixel 7a and Pixel 8. However, it becomes a frustration when comparing the Pixel Fold and Pixel 8 Pro.

Android 15 logo on Pixel 8 next to Pixel 7a and 7 Pro

(Image credit: Harish Jonnalagadda / Android Central)

I don't have the technical acumen needed to explain why these decisions were made. And it's not like Google is just coming out and properly telling everyone why. The whole charade makes me feel as though this is just the "new norm," and letting people complain without actually giving a crap.

Maybe that's the point of it all. Fundamentally speaking, there really isn't much that needs to be changed in Android. It's not perfect by any means, but the platform has kind of peaked already. If you don't believe me, just try and find the differences between Android 13 and Android 14. You won't find many. 

Before you run to the comments to tell me all about how none of this actually matters, that's the point. If it doesn't matter, why make an announcement? I mean, can you imagine what would happen if the Galaxy S8 was running One UI 6 with Android 14? It seems very likely that Android on the Pixel 8 in 2030 will probably run like a steaming pile of TouchWiz. 

Nothing Google has done has suggested otherwise, besides saying "Hey, look at us! We're promising long software support," without really telling us what that means.

Not to mention, there's a good chance that the best phones of 2024, likely won't be able to withstand the rigors of daily life for eight years. If you need evidence of that, just check out what happened to Namerah's Pixel 6, or Nick's Pixel 7 Pro.

OnePlus seems to be the only company not willing to follow Google, Samsung, and Apple.

Kinder Liu, OnePlus president and COO, was recently asked about why the OnePlus 12 was "only" getting five years of updates, instead of following in Google's and Samsung's footsteps. 

Arguably, this single quote sums everything up and puts a little bow on my thoughts:

"Imagine your phone is a sandwich. Some manufacturers are now saying that the filling in their sandwich — their phone's software — will still be good to eat in seven years' time. But what they're not telling you is that the bread in the sandwich — the user experience — might be moldy after four years. Suddenly a seven-year software update policy doesn't matter, because the rest of your experience with the phone is terrible."

OnePlus is hardly the model citizen when it comes to software updates. But, I admire the thought and unwillingness to "follow the trend" when it's obvious that it won't end well for anyone. 

Andrew Myrick
Senior Editor - Chromebooks and tablets

Andrew Myrick is a Senior Editor at Android Central. He enjoys everything to do with technology, including tablets, smartphones, and everything in between. Perhaps his favorite past-time is collecting different headphones, even if they all end up in the same drawer.

  • deltatux
    People are holding on to their devices longer and having longer term support helps those who buy in the used market.

    Personally know people who hold on to devices well over the 3 year mark. Hell, I keep old phones as spares. Having them at least have security updates makes them hit the landfill slower.

    If one takes care of their devices, they can last. You don't have to replace them every 2 or 3 years. Hell, currently still rocking the Pixel 6 & unless something drastically happens, I'll probably wait for the Pixel 10 or the Galaxy S25 before upgrading as my device is perfectly fine.
  • tlaswell
    I know where you are coming from. Can we say Nexus 7? It was 3rd OS update that killed it.
  • djhass923
    Google also promised if I joined Google Fi I would get a new phone every 2 years. They cancelled that.
    They promised unlimited cloud storage and cancelled that.
    Google changes their mind all the time and isn't always exactly transparent. They have no problem pulling the rug out when it's convenient.
  • winmod21
    deltatux said:
    People are holding on to their devices longer and having longer term support helps those who buy in the used market.

    Personally know people who hold on to devices well over the 3 year mark. Hell, I keep old phones as spares. Having them at least have security updates makes them hit the landfill slower.

    If one takes care of their devices, they can last. You don't have to replace them every 2 or 3 years. Hell, currently still rocking the Pixel 6 & unless something drastically happens, I'll probably wait for the Pixel 10 or the Galaxy S25 before upgrading as my device is perfectly fine.
    Agreed ! ;) Since switching from iPhones in 2011, I guess I've been an Android 6-year'er (user of only one android phone for 6 yrs straight). Interesting article though.

    2011 Galaxy SIII — only phone used for 6 years, until 2017
    2017 Galaxy S7 Active — only phone used for 6 years, until 2023 (still using for music &c outdoors)
    2023 Galaxy S23+ — . . . . ?

    Btw, I still have my 2009 iPhone 3GS — that I use(d) as an iPod — since it has one of the original versions of the TuneIn app on it — before they moved recording & no ads to a premium v. — that lets you record everything, e.g. all sports games &c, then listen to them at your leisure.
    However the battery died when I left it turned-off too long, I guess. =(( So I ordered a new one but haven't put it in as yet; keep forgetting to. :unsure:
  • mustang7757
    I think nothing wrong with offering 7 year updates especially people holding on to their phones longer, these device are powerful and more than capable for going that long, You couldn't say that years ago on phones with 1or 2gb ram and 16gb storage.
  • joeldf
    4 years was the longest that I kept a phone. 3 is more typical for me, unless an unfortunate drop takes one out, as it happened with 2 of my past devices.

    However, a Galaxy S9 that I used for just 2 years did get passed down to my youngest son last year and he's still using it today. I think it could handle up to Android 12 (stuck at 10), and it sure would be nice if it at least still got security updates - but that's done too.

    Realistically, I think they should offer at least a minimum OS update timeframe, and call it 5 years with security updates 2 more after that. Let that be the standard, with further OS updates based on what the device can handle and what the state of the OS is at that point. I mean, if it can handle another year or two or five beyond that, great. Don't just cut them all off at a set time.

    That's just my take.