No Man's Sky: The Ultimate Guide

With the latest update for No Man's Sky, called Beyond, the sci-fi spectacular is having another huge resurgence. With all the new gameplay features comes a new group of players that have either never played, or are coming to a game they barely recognize. For a game that has been around since 2016, having the user base No Man's Sky has is nothing short of a miracle. It's no wonder our PlayStation Lead Jennifer Locke says it's the comeback story of a generation.

To help you with this transition we have been creating helpful guides, tips, and explanations of the assorted features in the game, and to make your life even easier we have aggregated them all right here.

Getting started in No Man's Sky

When you first load up the game you always start the same way, with everything lost and/or broken. To help you get to the juicy bits of the game as quick as possible we built a few helpful guides to get you going.

The game can feel a little slow at first, but remember, NMS is a survival game. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

No Man's Sky Multiplayer

We now have a huge multiplayer experience in No Man's Sky complete with team missions and the ability to play the whole game as a team effort.

This opens a huge amount of gameplay for you to experience with your friends. Here at Mobile Nations, we have been playing as a group since the launch of Beyond and it's so much fun we have to remember to work while we are in there!

Virtual Reality and No Man's Sky

VR has finally come to No Man's Sky and it feels like a part of the game that should have always been there. It works so well in fact, that I think it's the new best reason to own the PlayStation VR.

It's not just PlayStation VR that has NMS though, the Steam version of the game also allows you to don a VR headset of your choice to play. From the Rift to the Valve Index, No Man's Sky takes your breath away.

Virtual Reality

PlayStation VR

Steam VR

No Man's Sky gaming guides

No Man's Sky is a massive game with so many different objectives and tasks to do that it is easy to get turned around. The beyond update doesn't really help with that very much, as it adds a lot of new mechanics that didn't exist before.

We have been putting together guides to help you through it though, so don't worry. These guides will continue to grow as we play the game and become more proficient in the new game mechanics. Riding animals is awesome, milking animals is a little creepy, but both have guides right here!

Frequently asked questions

There is a lot happening in No Man's Sky and we know you have a million questions. We are here to answer those questions, and, if we haven't answered them yet, we are hoping to in this section.

This is where all the lost questions go.

James Bricknell
Since the days of the HTC Hero James has had two or three Android phones stuffed into pockets. James is always on hand to offer advice on phones, apps and most recently, PlayStation, especially VR, It's now something of an obsession. Find him @keridel wherever Media Socials itself.