Unlock three months of access to all of Kindle Unlimited's eBooks for free!

The countdown to Black Friday is almost over! Tons of deals are now live at Amazon for its Black Friday Deals Week, including one freebie that no one should miss out on. Right now you can score a free Kindle Unlimited 3-month membership and catch up on your reading anywhere you go.

Having a subscription to Kindle Unlimited earns you access to a digital eBook library that you can visit and check books out from whenever you want, wherever you want. Normally a membership costs $10 monthly, which isn't much to pay for the ability to read over a million titles as you please, but signing up with today's deal won't charge you anything at all for your first three months of service.

Amazon is letting new subscribers of Kindle Unlimited try the service out completely free for three months! You'll gain access to over 1 million titles to read whenever you want, wherever you want. You don't need a Kindle to start reading, either.

Once three months have passed, your preferred billing method will be charged for another month. However, if you decide Kindle Unlimited isn't right for you, you can turn off auto-renew in your account settings at Amazon at any time to make sure it never charges you for another month. Don't be surprised if you become hooked though! Today's deal is only valid for new subscribers, though previous subscribers can save on renewing their membership today as well. Amazon is taking 50% off the 6-month membership through the end of the year.

Despite Kindle Unlimited working hand-in-hand with Kindle devices perfectly, you don't need a Kindle to read any of the books available via Kindle Unlimited. The free Kindle app lets you read them too, which is available on tons of devices from smartphones to tablets to computers.

With its myriad of titles, Kindle Unlimited could keep you reading non-stop if you wished. From technical documents to cookbooks to fantasy novels, even some audiobooks are included and so much more. The service has favorites like the complete Harry Potter series, too.

Stay up to date with the latest Black Friday price drops here.

Alex Smith
Alex is a graduate from the University of North Florida with a background in sales and merchandising. When he’s not hunting down the next great deals to post on Thrifter, he can be found making music and working on his eBay business.