Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 available today in NYC from Best Buy

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (see our review of the special IO edition) launches today, but you'll only be able to get one if you're in New York City. The Best Buy at Union Square has a 10-day exclusive of the new tablet, which is shipping with Android 3.1.

If you're in NYC and want to get the new Tab 10.1, it goes on sale at noon. Best Buy is also giving away goodies to the first purchasers. If you are one of the first 200 people to buy one, you will get a free leather case and if you're in the first 50 customers you'll get VIP access to an exclusive performance by Ne-Yo.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 can be purchased for:

  • 16GB - $499
  • 32GB - $599

This is the WiFi-only version of the tablet (meaning no carrier contracts). If you plan to pick one up or are just curious about how people are liking it, check out our:

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Forum

Sean Brunett