Amazon Music has a bunch of great work from home playlists to get you through self-isolation

Amazon Music Wfh Hero
Amazon Music Wfh Hero (Image credit: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central)

If you're like me, you probably have a few more distractions in your life and around your home now that everyone is confined to the same space. Even as someone who is used to working from home, this can be a significant adjustment. I've been powering through my productivity lulls with the help of some great work from home playlists from the expert curators at Amazon Music. There are over 20 playlists in this collection across all kinds of music genres — from ambient to country, pop to metal. I've listed my 12 favorites from the collection below, but don't let me stop you there.

Alexa, play me some work from home tunes

Amazon Music Web Player

Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central)

We've all got the weight of the world on our shoulders right now with this crazy pandemic, and sometimes it's nice just to tune out and think of happier times or happier futures. Regardless of whether or not you decide to listen to these playlists while working from home, you're sure to find one that can help you unwind, relax, or get distance from your present worries.

I've been an Amazon Music Unlimited subscriber since the service first rolled out, and I've enjoyed watching it (listening to it?) grow and get better and better. If you do decide to sign up for an Amazon Music plan, check out our guide, which explains the differences in tiers and pricing. Amazon has plans for Prime members as low as $4/month, family plans, student plans, and HD music plans for the extreme audiophiles among us.

Jeramy Johnson

Jeramy was the Editor-in-Chief of Android Central. He is proud to help *Keep Austin Weird* and loves hiking in the hill country of central Texas with a breakfast taco in each hand.