How to replace a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 S Pen

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 S Pen
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 S Pen (Image credit: Hayato Huseman / Android Central)

If you've either misplaced or broken the S Pen with the Galaxy Note 20, all hope is not lost. You can get a replacement if you can't manage to locate the S Pen that came with your new phone. Here's how you can replace your Samsung Galaxy Note 20 S pen.

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Try to find the S Pen first

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 S Pen Reminder Cropped

Source: Daniel Bader / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Daniel Bader / Android Central)

Unlike the Galaxy Beans or Galaxy Watch, there's no real way for your Galaxy Note 20 to "locate" where your S Pen may be if you forgot to re-holster it. However, if you move too far away from the Bluetooth connection, a notification will appear on your Note 20, offering a gentle reminder to double-check and make sure that the S Pen has been put back into its place.

Other than that, you'll need to look around and see if you can figure out where it was the last time you were using the S Pen with your Note 20. Unfortunately, there's no way to ping it like you can with other devices. Since there's no speaker on the S Pen, you won't be able to "ring" it in case it falls in a seat cushion or somewhere else.

Replace the Galaxy Note 20 S Pen

So you've torn the couch apart and looked everywhere and still can't find where you last had the S Pen. While it's frustrating, the last option you have is to pick up a replacement. Currently, Samsung and Amazon are offering the Note 20s S Pen if you want to order one, but there's another option available.

Those who don't want to fork out the extra dough for the latest S Pen can pick up the same S Pen that was used with the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+. We've confirmed that these S Pens are interchangeable, and although the colors won't match up, all of the same Air Gestures and other great S Pen features will still work. The only difference outside of the color is the latency. Interacting with your Galaxy Note 20 with last year's S Pen may feel a bit jittery, especially on the Note 20 Ultra's 120Hz display.

Andrew Myrick
Senior Editor - Chromebooks and tablets

Andrew Myrick is a Senior Editor at Android Central. He enjoys everything to do with technology, including tablets, smartphones, and everything in between. Perhaps his favorite past-time is collecting different headphones, even if they all end up in the same drawer.