Google wants you to go Hands Free to pay for things, trial starting in South Bay

Mobile payments are on the up, and Google is already looking to the future and how it can make an already convenient service like Android Pay even better. That's where Hands Free comes in, a new payment app and service that's going into trial in the South Bay area of California. And it does exactly what it says on the tin: You can pay for things without touching your phone.

" Imagine if you could rush through a drive-thru without reaching for your wallet, or pick up a hot dog at the ballpark without fumbling to pass coins or your credit card to the cashier. This prompted us to build a pilot app called Hands Free that we're now in the early stages of testing. It lets you pay in stores quickly, easily, and completely hands-free."

It uses a combination of Bluetooth LE, WiFi and location services to determine whether you're around a participating store. When it's time to pay up, all you have to do is say "I'll pay with Google," hand over your initials and the cashier will use the photo you added to your Hands Free profile as collateral to make sure it's actually you spending your money.

At some stores, in-store cameras will be used to recognize you, making it even faster. Sounds pretty neat.

The trial is taking place at select McDonald's, Papa John's, and local eateries, and if you're local and want to take part you can grab the app from the Play Store right now.

Source: Google Commerce

Richard Devine