Beat Saber teases OST 5 as a return to its electronica roots

Beat Saber OST 5 logo
(Image credit: Beat Games)

What you need to know

  • Beat Games teased the next Beat Saber original soundtrack update on Twitter.
  • The 20-second teaser showcases a return to the original style the game launched with.
  • Beat Games has traditionally released one OST per year.

Beat Games is back with another Beat Saber original soundtrack, and this time it seems the company is going back to its roots. Beat Games teased the upcoming update on Twitter, which was accompanied by a 20-second-long video bearing the distinct sound of many original Beat Saber songs. A release date wasn't announced, but it's been almost one year since OST 4 landed on March 18, 2021, so a release in the next two weeks or so probably isn't out of the question.

Beat Saber OST 5's release would mark the fourth year that Beat Games has provided original songs for Beat Saber. OST 2 debuted in November 2018, OST 3 was in August 2019, and OST 4 arrived in 2021.

Each release had a shorter number of tracks than the last but all were free updates. We don't yet know how many tracks will be in OST 5 but it's assumed that it will, once again, be a free update for all Beat Saber players.

Recently, Beat Saber DLC packs have deviated significantly from the original sound of the game, eschewing the trademark sound in favor of big names like Billie Eilish and Lady Gaga. Only a few DLC packs, like the Skrillex and Monster Cat ones, stuck close to the original sound.

Beat Saber is one of the best Quest 2 games available and has been a staple of the VR industry since its release in 2017. Beat Saber is available for all major VR platforms and it's assumed that OST 5 will make its debut on all of those platforms, too.

Nicholas Sutrich
Senior Content Producer — Smartphones & VR
Nick started with DOS and NES and uses those fond memories of floppy disks and cartridges to fuel his opinions on modern tech. Whether it's VR, smart home gadgets, or something else that beeps and boops, he's been writing about it since 2011. Reach him on Twitter or Instagram @Gwanatu