Solve this puzzle to reveal the details of Google I/O 2020

Google I/O 2020 puzzle
Google I/O 2020 puzzle (Image credit: Google)

What you need to know

  • The puzzle that will reveal the details for Google I/O 2020 was tweeted out this morning.
  • The tweet takes you the site where this year's puzzle is hosted and will require a collaborative effort to solve.
  • Google hosts its annual I/O developer's conference each year in May where it announces some of its latest technology for Android, Google Assistant, and others.

Every May, Google hosts its annual I/O developer's conference, where it announces some of the exciting projects it has been working on. It usually includes a host of new features or technologies that will be coming to Android and Google Assistant in the near future.

Leading up to I/O, Google loves to post a cryptic puzzle teasing us with the details of the event. Last year's puzzle was cracked in no time, thanks to the clever developer of Lawnchair Launcher Till Kottmann. Although, technically, he cheated and bypassed the puzzle entirely.

It looks like Google isn't going to make it that easy on us this year by making it a collaborative event. The tweet went out this morning via the Google Developers' Twitter account with a link to the puzzle.

This year's Google I/O teaser is probably one of the most cryptic yet. After opening the site, you are greeted with "A Collaboration of the Cosmos" with an option to accept the mission.

The intergalactic satellite network powering this signal board is down. Only by working collectively will we restore the signal to reveal a special message for all the galaxy to see. Can we count on you?

The mission in question appears to be deciphering the names of satellites in a cluster and determining their original frequencies. By doing so, you will unlock a portion of the grid, and once all of the clusters are fully functional, it will reveal the message. Since there are several satellite clusters, it will require a collaborative effort to unlock them all and reveal the details of Google I/O 2020.

Google I/O 2020 puzzle

Source: Google (Image credit: Source: Google)

At the time of writing, it has been several hours since the tweet went out, and the progress is sitting at 8.93%. It's clear this is going to take some time to complete, and we probably won't be getting the details in less than a day like last year. Good luck to all the puzzle fans out there, we can't wait to get this one cracked and find out the deets.

Google I/O 2019: Top 12 announcements!

Jason England