Slack DMs and starred channels missing for some users

What you need to know

  • Slack DMs and starred channels are missing from the sidebar for some users today.
  • Slack has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix.
  • It appears you can still access missing conversations via the search bar.

If you've noticed your Slack DMs and starred channels have gone missing from the sidebar today, you're not alone. Slack has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix for affected users. For now, it appears conversations remain accessible through the search UI.

From Slack's status page:

Some customers may be noticing that DMs and starred channels are not showing in their sidebars. We're currently investigating and will be back once we have more info. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

As of 3:24 p.m. ET, Slack said that it still hadn't gotten to the bottom of the issue, but it is actively working on a fix.

We'll update this post with more details as they become available.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster