Delta installing gateside charging pods where iPads, Nexus Ones live together

If you fly, you likely know how tough it can be in certain airports to find anywhere to charge your phone and computer. It's 2010, people. It's a little ridiculous. The good news: Delta just announced that it's installing charging stations at 19 airports, including seven domestic hubs. There will be two stations at each gate, with six 110-volt outlets and two USB ports at each station. Airports to be included: Atlanta, Cincinnati, Detroit, Memphis, Minneapolis/St. Paul, JFK, Salt Lake City, Boston, Columbus, Hartford, Indianapolis, LAX, Nashville, Norfolk, Omaha, Pittsburgs, Portland, Seattle and St. Louis.

That's all well and good. But what really made our cold hearts warm up a little was the picture you see above, with the Google Nexus One and the Apple iPad charging together. What a wonderful world. (And we bet the guy on the left was enjoying a nice Flash game. [Delta]

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Phil Nickinson