Customizable PlayStation 4 Astro Gaming C40 TR Controller goes up for preorder

For years now, Microsoft has offered the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller with interchangeable thumbsticks and paddles. Not only is the implement made of more durable materials, but it allows you to customize aspects like dead zones, sensitivity, power management, and vibration. Recently, the company even unveiled a white version appears to feature stronger plastic on the bumpers to address user complaints.

Unfortunately, there isn't an equivalent product from Sony. Many PlayStation 4 owners have been asking the manufacturer to make its own model, but the company has pointed customers to third-party devices. Beforehand, only Scuf Gaming offered solutions for Sony's platform. Recently, Razer came out with wireless options too, but the high-end Razer Raiju Ultimate doesn't allow gamers to switch the positions of the thumbsticks. Luckily, Astro Gaming is on the case.

A few days ago, the team revealed the PlayStation 4 C40 TR Controller. Just like the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller, it features paddles and interchangeable thumbsticks. However, it goes one step further as it allows you to swap the positions of the two thumbsticks and D-pad. Let's say you want it to have an asymmetrical thumbstick layout like Microsoft's device. Well, with the C40 TR Controller it's possible!

According to Amazon, the C40 TR Controller should launch on March 25, 2019 for $199.99. While the price tag is quite steep — it's roughly $50 more than the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller — the technology on offer is remarkable to say the least. As far as we know, there aren't any other controllers on the market that let you change the position of the thumbsticks and D-pad. Plus, it also works with PC and comes with many accessories.

Asher Madan