AT&T HTC One M8 set to score Android 5.0 Lollipop starting April 7

HTC's Mo Versi took to Twitter this evening to announce that the company has received technical approval on the Android 5.0 Lollipop update for the AT&T One M8, with the OTA scheduled to begin on April 7.

It's been a long wait, and it probably didn't help knowing that the One M7 on AT&T scored Lollipop a week ago, but One M8 owners on the carrier will finally be able to enjoy all of the things Lollipop brings to the table including a new multitasking UI, revamped notifications, and the lovely Material Design starting tomorrow.

Once you snag the update, be sure to head over to our One M8 forums and let us know how Lollipop is treating you.

Source: Mo Versi (Twitter)

Dan Thorp-Lancaster