HTC prepping over-the-air fix for Evo 4G storage card issue

One of the advantages of handing out a new phone to developers (and media) at Google I\O a couple weeks before the public availability is that you get a whole lot of hardcore testing. And such is the case of the HTC Evo 4G. A little issue that's cropped up is that the phone sometimes finds that it can't write to the storage card, which can cause crashes, hang-ups and occasional stiffness in joints.

I've only experienced this a few times, and a reboot clears it right up, but it's still a pain. The good news is that HTC has been aware of the problem and tells us the following:

"We have identified the cause of the memory card issue and are testing a solution. We expect to have a software solution available very shortly that will be automatically pushed to phones over the air."

How's that for service, boys and girls? So the sky's not falling, your storage card isn't out to get you, and we'll hopefully see this fix soon enough.

Phil Nickinson