Can you use a mouse and keyboard on PS4?

A PlayStation 4 Pro and three controllers
A PlayStation 4 Pro and three controllers (Image credit: Android Central)

Best answer: To a certain extent. You can use a keyboard and mouse to navigate the system's menus and internet, but native support while playing games is almost non-existent.

Why can't I use a keyboard and mouse on all games?

There doesn't appear to be technical limitations on a hardware level preventing keyboards and mice from being used in games. It's mostly up to developers whether they want to implement that support. Doing so, especially for competitive multiplayer titles, is a lot of work, so some studios find it is not worth it. Support in multiplayer titles like popular first-person shooters needs to be handled correctly, or else those playing with a keyboard and mouse would have a significant advantage over those using DualShock controllers, which can't emulate the precision of a mouse.

To mitigate this, some companies have separate matchmaking pools depending on what form of input you are using, but many don't even bother with keyboard and mouse support on consoles in the first place.

Which games support keyboard and mouse on PS4?

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of games that currently feature native keyboard and mouse support on PlayStation 4. Of the handful, the biggest games are Final Fantasy XIV, Paragon and War Thunder.

Are there any accessories that can emulate a keyboard and mouse experience that work with all PS4 games?

While it is possible to use XIM keyboard adapters that trick your console into thinking you're using a controller when in actuality, you're using a keyboard and mouse, these come with risks. The biggest of which is that if you're caught using an adapter, you may be banned from your favorite game. Epic Games notoriously did this to Fortnite cheaters.

If you don't want to risk a ban, there's also an officially licensed keypad and mouse from Hori that works with the PS4.

Jennifer Locke
Games Editor - PlayStation, Android, VR

Jennifer Locke has been playing video games nearly her entire life. You can find her posting pictures of her dog and obsessing over PlayStation and Xbox, Star Wars, and other geeky things.