How to cancel a subscription on the Google Play Store

Google Play Store
Google Play Store (Image credit: Android Central)

The Google Play store offers millions of amazing apps, books, games, and videos, and we have probably downloaded at least half of them here at Android Central! Many of us have subscriptions that are run through Google Play, and like you, we're looking to cut back on some personal spending during these tough economic times. I'll show you how easy Google makes it to cancel a subscription through the Google Play app and website, so you can save a few bucks to put towards your next toilet paper order.

How to cancel a subscription in the app

  1. Open the Google Play app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Tap on the menu (3 lines) in the top left corner.
  3. Tap on Subscriptions.Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central

  1. Tap on the subscription that you wish to cancel.
  2. Tap Cancel.Source: Alex Dobie / Android Central

  1. Follow any remaining onscreen instructions.

You'll still be able to use the subscription for the time you've already paid (whether it's to the end of a month-to-month, or the end of a yearlong subscription). It's important to note that past subscriptions will not be refunded, though you won't be charged beyond the end of the subscription term.

How to cancel a subscription on the web

  1. In your browser, go to
  2. Move over to the left navigation bar and click on My Subscriptions.

Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central)
  1. Find the subscription you wish to cancel and click on it.

Source: Alex Dobie / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Alex Dobie / Android Central)
  1. Click cancel.

Source: Alex Dobie / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Alex Dobie / Android Central)
  1. Follow any remaining onscreen instructions.

As you can see, the process is pretty similar whether you complete it on your phone or your computer. Just remember to consider resubscribing or finding new subscriptions to help support all the great app developers on the Play store when your financial situation improves!

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Jeramy Johnson

Jeramy was the Editor-in-Chief of Android Central. He is proud to help *Keep Austin Weird* and loves hiking in the hill country of central Texas with a breakfast taco in each hand.