AT&T Thrill 4G release moves from 'in the coming months' to 'this summer'

Hmmmmm. AT&T released a press release today (that's what you do with press releases -- you release them) letting us all know that the LG Thrill 4G (that's its version of the Optimus 3D) is coming this summer. That narrows it down from the actual announcement of the device in March, which just said "in the coming months." Seeing as how the summer solstice was yesterday, we suppose that could mean we'll be seeing it any day now. Or not. We'll just have to see.

Regardless, what you have to look forward to (be sure to check out our full review of the Optimus 3D) at some point that is not today is a pretty slick Android phone with all of LG's bells and whistles, with 3D recording and playback capabilities and a dedicated 3D section on the phone. Go read that Optimus 3D review again. But believe us when we say you're actually going to want to try this before you judge.

Source: AT&T

Phil Nickinson