'Twitter Blue for Business' ties affiliates to companies with tiny badges

"Twitter Blue for Business" showing an affiliate and its company.
(Image credit: Twitter)

What you need to know

  • Twitter Blue for Business rolls out to better highlight businesses and those affiliated with them.
  • Affiliated companies, brands, support accounts, employees, and more will gain a tiny badge representing the logo of their company once verified.
  • Twitter Blue relaunched on web and iOS with the service priced at $8 per month and $11 per month, respectively.

Twitter Blue gains an additional feature for businesses to let everyone know who's affiliated with them.

According to Twitter's official post, the company has rolled out "Twitter Blue for Business." The purpose of this new subscription feature is to allow businesses the opportunity of verifying and distinguish themselves on the platform.

Twitter states that companies can link any number of affiliated individuals, businesses, and brands to their main company account. Once this is done, those that are affiliated with them will gain a small badge bearing the logo of the company they are affiliated with alongside their blue or gold verified checkmark.

The social media platform does mention that it will share new criteria that must be met, along with pricing and its evaluation process as everything updates. For the time being, we do know that a list of affiliated individuals must be submitted to Twitter by the overall company they will be tied to.

Twitter is accepting those in leadership roles with the company, brands, support accounts, employees, and teams. Additionally, journalists and professional sports players also qualify for this affiliation branding. Lastly, the company does mention in an incredible size one font size that "not all features available on all platforms. Twitter Blue for Business features may change periodically as we keep improving the service."

In answering a question pertaining to how available will this feature be to businesses of different sizes, Twitter's Esther Crawford replied saying, "Our goal is to make it accessible to businesses of all sizes — in time it’ll become a self-serve system." Making this subscription even more accessible may come in 2023 as the platform looks to expand its availability.

Twitter Blue reappeared with its relaunch a bit over a week ago. While it's a subscription feature not yet available on Android phones, those on the web will be required to pay $8 per month while iOS settles with a bitter $11 plan. This relaunch provides subscribers with the blue verified checkmark, an edit tweet function, the ability to upload 1080p videos, and some extra goodies.

Also, while Twitter Blue for Business is another layer atop the recent rollout of its subscription feature, some may have noticed the square profile pictures on business accounts. While it may take a little getting used to, this is probably another small tweak to let users know immediately what is a business account and what is not alongside the gold verified tick.

Nickolas Diaz
News Writer

Nickolas is always excited about tech and getting his hands on it. Writing for him can vary from delivering the latest tech story to scribbling in his journal. When Nickolas isn't hitting a story, he's often grinding away at a game or chilling with a book in his hand.