The Rebel Alliance needs your help

An urgent plea for help has been issued by the leaders of the Alliance. The schematics for the Droid R2-D2 have been acquired by the Empire and spread across the Internet, and the Alliance needs you to help find them. If you can locate the plans, the Alliance will make certain that your kindness is rewarded with one of the new Droid R2-D2 units. This alternate-reality game is very similar to that of the earlier Droid X contest but appears to be entirely web based. Winning this contest is a surefire way to get your hands on the highly anticipated little guy before the launch date which we broke to you last month, of September 30th. Keep your eyes peeled for more vague transmissions hinting at how to get yours on the @droidlanding page (which we advise you to follow adamantly if you want to have a chance).

Dallin Hampton