Latest Tweet Lanes update brings direct messages, notifications coming soon

While much of the Android world still waits on Carbon making its long awaited appearance, its continued absence leaves  room for others to try and capitalise. One such Twitter client is Tweet Lanes, which unlike Carbon is conducting its beta testing in public. It still isn't finished yet, but developer Chris Lacy has been working his socks off and is producing a really nice application. 

We reviewed Tweet Lanes a few weeks ago when it first started making the headlines, but what a difference a few weeks can make. Our conclusions were that Tweet Lanes is a new twist on Twitter, but definitely still a work in progress. Since that review much has changed, with the most significant visual change being the addition of a much welcomed dark theme. Additionally the developer has been working on supporting the Nexus 7, and adding the features that were lacking when it first arrived. It's also much faster, and much less bug prone than those early builds, testament to the devs hard work over the last few weeks. 

The latest update to be pushed to the Play Store brings yet more additional features, notably the inclusion of direct messages. Along with notifications, DM access was the big thing missing from Tweet Lanes which possibly prevented its use as a main Twitter client. They're here now though, and according to the developer, notifications are next. Chris Lacy is one of those developers who really engages with the community, constantly posting updates and early access to new builds from his Twitter account. This latest build was released to users willing to test well in advance of pushing it to the Play Store, and the feedback prompted a number of bug fixes before the official update was pushed out. 

The latest build doesn't just bring DM access either. There's now a really nice pinch-to-zoom functionality in the image viewer, further layout optimizations, and a heap of bug fixes. Full details of the changelog can be found at the source link below. If you're using Tweet Lanes though and you like it, definitely give the developer a follow on Twitter and join in with the early testing. 

Source: Tweet Lanes, More: Chris Lacy (Twitter)

Richard Devine