The next Oculus Quest update is already here even though we just got one

Meta Quest 2 V46 recent apps
(Image credit: Meta)

What you need to know

  • Meta is rolling out update v46 to Oculus Quest and Meta Quest 2 headsets beginning October 6, 2022.
  • A new recent apps section can be found on the universal home bar and shows the last three apps that you've run on your Quest for quick switching access.
  • The privacy section has been overhauled and users will need to reselect their settings via an onboarding UI that'll appear after receiving v46.
  • Additionally, a limited-time Rings of Power environment for your Quest's home screen will be available from October 10.

If you were just thinking "wow, this v44 update has a lot of great new features on my Quest 2," get ready to have a little Deja vu because v46 is rolling out to a headset near you. The new update includes a new recent apps section, overhauled privacy UI, and a brand new limited-time home screen environment.

When you first start up your Oculus Quest 2 after the update, you'll probably immediately notice the new recept apps section right on the home bar at the bottom of the screen. This new section gives you quick access to the last three apps or games you might have run on your Quest 2, helping to alleviate an annoying problem users have been dealing with for a while — that is, no quick way to go back to what you were just doing.

Meta is also continuing to double down on privacy controls with a brand-new privacy UI that'll help you better control who sees what you're doing in VR. Once v46 lands on your Quest, you'll be presented with a privacy check that'll walk you through the new settings and ask that you make a few selections before playing. That way, you won't feel bad when you play the best Quest 2 games on your own instead of with your friends.

Lastly, is a brand-new home environment that will only be available for a very limited time. Starting October 10, you'll be able to visit the halls of Khazad-dûm, the famous Dwarf city, right from your home environment. You can even explore a bit of the mines with your friends thanks to the newly added Horizon Home social features on the Quest. This, of course, to celebrate the season finale of Rings of Power which airs on October 14.

Haven't received v46 on your Quest just yet? Open up system settings, select system update from the grid, and tap the update button. If you don't have it now, be sure to leave your Quest on and charging overnight and you'll likely get it then.

Nicholas Sutrich
Senior Content Producer — Smartphones & VR
Nick started with DOS and NES and uses those fond memories of floppy disks and cartridges to fuel his opinions on modern tech. Whether it's VR, smart home gadgets, or something else that beeps and boops, he's been writing about it since 2011. Reach him on Twitter or Instagram @Gwanatu