Every PlayStation 4 Exclusive Game

One of the big selling points of having a PlayStation 4 is regular access to exclusive content not only from Sony's own publishers but from other companies too. PlayStation spends a great deal of money making sure you have the very best games to play on the PlayStation 4 so here is a list of all the current Exclusives with a link on where to get them.

And there we have it, a full list of the exclusives available on the PlayStation 4. We will add new titles each month with links for where to get them for the best price.

James Bricknell
Since the days of the HTC Hero James has had two or three Android phones stuffed into pockets. James is always on hand to offer advice on phones, apps and most recently, PlayStation, especially VR, It's now something of an obsession. Find him @keridel wherever Media Socials itself.