Android Central 86: Privacy, security and malicious apps -- oh, my!

Thing 1: Google privacy policy still under fire

  • Google responds to Congress about its updated privacy policy
  • Full-page ads attack Google's privacy policy; el Goog responds
  • Late night poll: Have you read Google's new privacy policy?

Thing 2: The best/top/favorite Android phones

  • The best U.S. Android Phones - As of Feb. 1, 2012
  • The best Canadian Android Phones - As of Feb. 2, 2012
  • The best UK/European Android Phones - As of Feb. 2, 2012

Thing 3: Other odds and ends

  • Symantec updates its scary (but wrong) Counterclank 'malware' claims
  • HTC addressing Wifi security loophole in some Android handsets
  • HTC Ville caught on video, shows new HTC Sense on Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Samsung: No Galaxy S II successor at Mobile World Congress
  • ClockworkMod Touch Recovery now available for $1.99 in ROM Manager, free as flashable download
  • Late night poll: Do you make in-app purchases?
  • February is fitness month at Mobile Nations!
  • T-Mobile's Sensation 4G and myTouch not quite ready for EOL

Thing 3.5: Updates galore

  • Samsung Infuse 4G Gingerbread update now available over Kies Mini
  • Sprint HTC EVO Shift 4G gets a software update
  • Casio G'zOne Commando update brings bug fixes and push-to-talk
  • App Updates: Chrome to Phone gets new look, bugfixes; Google Docs goes offline
  • Mint Personal Finance app updated with Honeycomb support
  • Sony releasing an update for Google TV, brings better browsing and 3D Blu-ray
  • Firefox 10 lands in the Android Market, still doesn't support flash
  • Waze 3.0 brings Yelp, Foursquare integration
Phil Nickinson