Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Mobvoi's next TicWatch smartwatch will be powered by a Snapdragon W5 Plus SoC It promises longer battery life and improved performance. Qualcomm's Snapdragon W5 Plus Gen 1 aims to reinvigorate the wearable market The upgrade we've been waiting for is here. Be an expert in 5 minutesGet the latest news from Android Central, your trusted companion in the world of AndroidContact me with news and offers from other Future brandsReceive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors LATEST ARTICLES1Fitness watches should stop treating hydration and sweat loss as an afterthough2The people complaining about the iPhone 16 were never going to buy one3News Weekly: Galaxy S25 renders break cover, the world's first tri-fold phone, and more4Your old Fitbit and Pixel Watches are picking up a free Fitbit Premium health feature5UGREEN Nexode 25000mAh Power Bank review: This 200W power bank is terrific